Sound practices and meditation with sound

Nina Kolomiitseva
4 min readSep 1, 2020

Yoga is almost unlimited in the tools to achieve Totality with the Universe. Today, there are many interesting techniques that allow you to touch your inner world and let in feelings of love, gratitude to the universe and tranquility. One of the most interesting, relaxing and pleasant is meditation with sound.

There are several reasons for the popularity of this type of meditation. I would like to highlight the most basic ones. First of all, meditation with sound has no contraindications. It can be practiced by a person of any age, regardless of gender and physical abilities. (Of course, the best effect of meditation will be when entering Shavasana, but if for any reason a person can not take this pose, it will not limit his ability to participate in meditation).

The second advantage of this meditation is that with the help of sounds the whole body of the person is exposed to the deepest level — the level of vibrations. They penetrate through all layers of tissue and bring into harmony not only the thin but also the physical body of the person.

The third invaluable positive aspect of meditation with sounds is an opportunity to awaken in a person a desire to cope with internal denial, to overpower it and transform it into a complete acceptance. It is a feeling of gratitude and the ability to accept the benefits of the universe. If a person stops denying everything and goes into a state of balance and harmony, his inner energy flows smoothly, without being hampered by emotional leaps and bounds.

Now a little about how the practice takes place, what sensations can be experienced during the immersion, what results of the practice a person can notice. Only, remember that everything I will tell you about is based on personal experience. These are not postulates or dogmas. Everyone will have their own reaction to meditation with sound, everyone will feel it in their own way. This is the beauty of human individuality and uniqueness.

So, starting the session, the Master welcomes visitors and tells that acceptance is a necessary element of a happy life. As soon as a person enters a state of full understanding and mutual love with the universe, all processes are established in his life. This harmony generates a sense of pleasure and joy. Then he tells a little about the fact that a person is alien to the feeling of denial and dissatisfaction, because the human essence is Divine and Almighty. And the almighty man is able to create all the conditions for his own happiness. To do this, he simply needs to learn to accept the moment and live in it, rather than being distracted by past and future, which are only illusory speculations. Here they emphasize the importance of the state “here and now”, as many people do not think about it during the whole life.

Next, the Master proposes to all those present to take a pose of Shavasana and relax, so that meditation has the maximum effect. In parallel with how everyone takes a comfortable posture and relaxes, the Master begins to adjust the space, cleaning it and creating the necessary vibrating background. This preparation is necessary so that the frequencies at which the energy of each participant “sounds” do not become an obstacle to successful practice.

The sounds of bowls, khanga, gongs, drums that are played during meditation fill the body with vibrations of a certain frequency, entering into resonance with it. Cells of the human body start to vibrate in the tune of music, which leads to smooth vibrations and free flow of energy in the body. In this state, it is easier for a person to get rid of obsessive thoughts about the past and future, to feel in the moment, to set up a harmonious interaction with reality.

It is important to understand that a person’s nervous states, emotional and psychological instability provoke shaking vibrations in the body. This negatively affects the ability to manage their own energy flows, self-realization and understanding of their true needs, and violates the energy balance of a person.
Meditation ends very smoothly.

The master gradually reduces the volume and intensity of the instruments. And after that, he suggests reaching out slowly, feeling his body, returning to it from the state of dissolution in consonance with the Universe.
After such practices, I always felt renewed and purified. The whole body reacts positively to sound therapy — the organ systems work in a more balanced way, the psycho-emotional state improves, there is a feeling of inner peace and tranquility, there comes the awareness of the nuances of our behavior, which previously seemed familiar and normal. After meditation with sound, it is very pleasant to catch yourself thinking that every moment is a small life that you can live in a state of happiness, love and gratitude. It comes to realize that the universe gives us all that is necessary for happiness, and all we can do is learn to accept its gifts.

Sound meditation is one of my favorites and one of the most effective practices. It really fills with the right resources and gives us a feeling of love for the world around us.

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Nina Kolomiitseva
Nina Kolomiitseva

Written by Nina Kolomiitseva


Successful model, actress, certified specialist of international Yoga alliance, founder of 1💎8 Organization.

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